About Me

(in 289 words)


Hello! I'm a PhD student in Social Psychology at the Ecole Normale Supérieure, part of Paris Sciences & Letters (PSL) University. Under the supervision of Hugo Mercier1 in the evolution and social cognition team, I investigate how people form and update impressions—especially judgments about others’ competence—when given new (and often noisy) information. I’m fascinated by the interplay between intuitive first impressions and subsequent behavioral or verbal input. Do these updates follow optimal Bayesian rules, or do initial impressions tip the scales?

My Path

During my MPhil in Cognitive Science, I have worked on insight and its links to personality and cultural consumption, which resulted in two articles (see: Publications). Before that, I pursued philosophy and political studies (economics, sociology, law, political science), only to find myself frustrated with how often “human nature” assumptions were presented without empirical support. That curiosity guided me toward cognitive science, where I found out that designing and running experiments to test theoretical claims is deeply satisfying.

I’ve been fortunate to broaden my perspective at universities like Sciences Po Bordeaux, Cambridge, Princeton, and ENS-PSL, and I’m currently thrilled to be continuing my research at ENS-PSL. You can see my complete CV here.

Alongside Academia

Outside the lab, I work as a freelance data scientist. My expertise spans machine learning, natural language processing, large language models, and statistical analysis. I design and deploy scalable, data-driven solutions for various projects. This professional experience complements my academic work and keeps me in touch with real-world applications.

Feel free to explore the rest of this site for more details on my current research, publications, and professional services. If you’d like to connect, get in touch. I look forward to hearing from you!

1: With whom I am not related.